Community Based Services

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Community-Based Services is the lead department of the Social Development Sector (SDS) in the district.

Departmental Mandate.

1. Community mobilization.

2. Social protection.

3. Labour, employment, and industrial relations.

4. Gender Equality and Women Empowerment.

5. Institutional capacity development.






No of Sage beneficiaries

677 (271 M and 406 F)

Verification of other beneficiaries ongoing

Amount disbursed so far for SAGE




38 groups have so far benefitted but while still under the grater Kaabong

A sum of 318,483,967 was disbursed to those groups and so far 84,604,000 has been recovered

No groups have benefited ever since the District broke off from Kaabong.  14 groups were however mobilized and submitted to the MoGLSD but have never been funded

No more recoveries have been realized besides that


62 groups have so far benefitted from the program. With a sum of 513,371,000, 35,410,000 has been recovered

Program still ongoing although the recovery process is slow

Special grant for PWDs

35 groups have so far benefitted from the fund with a sum of 175,000,000 and each group receiving 5,000,000/= each

More groups being mobilized to benefit from the fund.